Bali is an Indonesian island located in the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the East. It is one of the Country's 38 Provinces with

A trip to Bali is one of the most wanted things to do in your life. Spending your days in a sunny Bali sky and get into some of the most beautiful places like Kuta Beach and Uluwatu will also bring

Tourists who visit Bali and stay in Seminyak will certainly need to find the best option of Seminyak car hire. It is out of the question that using a car is the best choice of transport when in Bali. Apart from

How to find the best car hire in Sanur? In Sanur, it's simple to find reliable automobile rentals. Most car rental agents offer automobile rental delivery and pickup to Sanur for self-drive rentals. If you reserve

It is not difficult to find rent car Jimbaran. Jimbaran is one of the must to go place in Bali. This place is well known as a fishing village. Jimbaran has recently emerged as one of

Bali rent car without driver is one of the options to choose when you like to explore more places in Bali without limitation. Choosing to rent a car without using a driver may give you more advantages

Are you looking to rent car in Bali without driver? One common query is to choose a private vehicle in Bali with or without a private driver. If you begin your adventure in Bali and have a

The natural charm of Bali is unquestionable, very interesting for anyone who sees it, it’s no wonder that many visitors visit the Island of the Gods, both local and foreign tourists. To support

Car is a transportation mode that is commonly used in Indonesia. There are countless car rental companies that offer you the services that you need. Before you start your trip to Bali, Indonesia you want

Do you have a plan to stay more than one month in Bali? If you do, you can choose car rental Bali monthly for your transportation choice. It is a good idea because you will enjoy the vacation more

Finding a cheap car rental in Bali as a means of transportation to tourist attractions has its own challenges. Although there are lots of car rentals in Bali and ready to serve anyone

If you plan to use the service of car rental Ubud, you may get some offers from the rental. One of them is you rent the car with or without a driver. Most people who can drive choose to rent a car in Bali

The bеѕt сhеар hоtеlѕ in Bаlі fоr Backpackers come in a wide rаngе of ѕtуlеѕ, сhоісеѕ оf соmрlеmеntіng fасіlіtіеѕ, and оf course, room rates to ѕuіt аnу budgеt. If аffоrdаblе, lоw-рrісеd, есоnоmісаl, аnd

Everyone knows that Bаlі island in Indonesia has bеасhеѕ; іt’ѕ оnе оf the mаіn rеаѕоnѕ реорlе trаvеl hаlf wау асrоѕѕ the wоrld tо visit thе Iѕlаnd of Gоdѕ. Whether it’s thе exotic black vоlсаnіс beaches

There are hundreds of attractive tourist destinations in Bali and you may wonder where the best spot to start is. With the variety of tourist spots, Bali travel tips will give you useful information about

Uluwatu is a part of Bukit Peninsula, an area in Bali that has rugged terrain and limestone rock formations in many of its beach lines. Therefore, many people choose Bali hotels with beach view